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FreeRDP is the leading, most up-to-date open source implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) suite, released under the Apache license. A lot of people are using our project on a variety of platforms for both - private and commercial use, including Microsoft itself. As of today, we are the main contributor to FreeRDP project.

  • Foundation of many free and commercial Remote Desktop Clients (Remmina, Remote Desktop Manager, etc.)
  • Core component in the Windows Subsystem for Linux from Microsoft
  • Default client application on many distributions including Debian, Gnome, SteamOS, etc.
  • Almost every Thin Client manufacturer uses FreeRDP as key component
  • Very active Open Source community

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ogon® project

The ogon® project is an open source driven collection of services and tools mainly written in C/C++ that provide graphical remote access to Linux desktop sessions using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). It supports most modern RDP protocol extensions, bitmap compression codecs, dis- and reconnection to sessions and device redirections. ogon is compatible with virtually any existing RDP Client.

  • Fully featured Remote Desktop Server for Linux released under the AGPLv3 license
  • In operation in over 7000+ stores of a European retail chain

Any X11 destkop, weston or qt application can be used as session. Due to it's modular design it's easily possible to extend or add features or add new backends.

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ogon® project on GitHub

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